
Using Predictive Modelling to conquer uncertainties

In my last blog, Manufacturing Sector- The growth engine of the economy, I touched upon…

A Punch to the Face

While reporting on President Trump’s change in strategy (as evidenced by the April 6, 2017…

The Genesis of “Bradley’s Law”

A company should expect to pay for a specific electronic device – a price commensurate…

Sustainability is a Must-Have not a Nice-To-Have

Sustainability is not a buzzword anymore, however, the concept of sustainability remains abstract and complex…

Manufacturing Sector- The Growth Engine of the Economy

GDP dynamics – An important factor for developing supply chain strategies Manufacturing sector has been…

Risk and Uncertainty

 Is risk a synonym for uncertainty? The thesaurus in Microsoft Word suggests that it is…

Will Electronic Distributors Disappear? (Part2)

Is the current distribution model sustainable in the future? To answer this question, let us…

 Supplier Customer Diversity Sensitivity and Resilience

In my last blog, Supply Chain Crash Test, I asked if your supply chain could…

“We supply the science – you supply the art”

In October, I attended the i2030 National Manufacturing Summit in Ottawa Canada, co-hosted by industry…

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