Author name: bhupendra

Potential Disruption

HOW LYTICA BECAME A UNIQUE ANALYTICS COMPANY: PART 12 Our 2017 work in AI has created opportunities to transform how many supply chain processes are managed as well as heighten awareness of the need to protect our unique intellectual property with patents. Over the year end break, I have been thinking about both. While there

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How are we doing?

How Lytica became a unique analytics company: Part 11 Every now and then it doesn’t hurt to stop and ask the question: what are we doing? I started asking this while the team has been going through verification of our AI work pertaining to our current and future products and services. While I have probably

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What happened to my job?

HOW LYTICA BECAME A UNIQUE ANALYTICS COMPANY: PART 10 I am in verification purgatory! I use the term purgatory not because of any religious affiliation but because it fits, it allows for hope. In Roman Catholic doctrine, it is a place or state of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their

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Lytica’s opens Advanced Technology Center to build upon AI & Machine Learning

Lytica’s Advanced Technology Center (ATC) builds upon our Artificial Intelligence proprietary platforms to enhance customer experience, improve productivity, and maximize customer results. Research done in the ATC develops the core technology platforms underpinning Lytica’s product road map. These core platforms based on A.I. technologies have application beyond the supply chain products that are currently being

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Look Ma, no hands!

How Lytica became a unique analytics company: Part 9 Sometimes I feel like a 7-year old riding a bicycle. I am moving forward quickly, taking a daring step as I try to maintain control and balance with my hands in the air. We are at a point with the ATC and our first round of

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Avoiding Customer Concentration Risk is the Key to Long-lasting Business

Everyone is happy to land a big customer. With large orders comes rapid revenue growth, enhanced credibility and increased exposure of products to potential customers and markets. However, don’t be blinded by these numerous benefits; winning big customers is always a double-edged sword. If only a few customers dominate your revenue you will face customer

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Suprising Insights

How Lytica became a unique analytics company: Part 8 Last week I purchased the book Drawdown, edited by Paul Hawken. It purports to contain the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming. It lists the top 100 things that mankind can do to significantly impact the problem. This compilation by world renowned experts

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